
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

when I flex my verbal techs. exit, mental anorexic 

If.. you.. are.. just. coming.. in,.. I'll.. say.. it.. once.. more.. so.. you.. can.. hear.. it.

Right about now at three oh one in the morning, everything else on is probably pretty faulty and repetitive, so if you're going through your radio, you could get down to that you know, far left hand side...

Bring on the quotes..

"What? Too good not to have a watchtower?" - Carr, upon realising we were at the foot of a watchtower in a neighborhood in the boonies.

"So we each get one shoe." - Carr
"And one sandle.. and we'll split the combo. Deal?" - Me
"And three plump gooses"

To the girl working at the Old Times photo place across from the waterpark:
"You know, (reads nametag) Sara, you did a really great job taking those pictures... Now how about a kiss?" - Me, after this happened:


"Wooooooooooooooo!.....Woah." - Rieger, after clambering over a set of lockers at the waterpark.

"Get Laid!" - Me, from the driver's seat, to a 30-some couple walking down the street.

"I SAW YOUR THONG!" - Carr, to a prepubescent clit who was sitting outside booster juice with other 12 year olds, as we drove by. She promptly placed her thong back in her pants.

"Speaking of lube, I called the KY factory in Cleveland, and I'm having an industrial size shipped out. And from what I hear, Clevelandians are fanatic about their lubrication" - Me.

"You were a cub? Awwww!" - Melanie
"Yeah I-" - Carr
"Waaait! Melanie, contrary to what you may think, The Cubs are not, in fact, a bunch of six year olds dressed up in bear costumes." - Me

trust your family, trust nobody at all says:
watre you doing up so late?
barretopea- see her pee says:
playing funny trucks

"Oh my God! Is he peeing?" - A group of disgusted onlookers as I soiled the top of Blue Bullet.

"Give me another!" - Rieger, middle name 'excess', as each tried to do one shot of pure everclear.

Et l'molasson, y tient le bastion et a des opinions, un oui, un non,..

And some things I said this year, that baretopea reminded me of and should probably be tucked in safely at the end of this post.

Quinn walks into English class halfway through, wearing a t-shirt with Che emblazoned across the front. I look around. No one else is going to say anything, so, "Late for the revolution again, Che?"

I'm sitting at the back of french class, answering all the questions. After shooting off a row of correct responses I remark to myself, "This language is my bitch!" Everyone turns. Apparently it was really loud.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Kicked outta high school, for my world view... 


UPDATE: The link is not working and neither is going to the page manually, rendering this post QUITE lame.

If a true capitalist was exposed to something he would call a perfect society, where everyone helps themselves and no one else, pure dog eat dog, he would be eaten alive.

And who would pick up the big pile of shit that would be the end of the 'looks good on paper capitalist?

The system made to protect those who could not protect themselves; foreigners, speaking with lisps, and living a questionably altern-straight lifestyle would be cruelly left behind.
Capitalism breeds in the melting pot. I'm pretty sure Cap McSmith also wrote the Capitalist Manic-festo in the bath... point made.

One who's thesis states that capitalism is the only "moral form of government" and then later speaks of cutting welfare, not helping those who have fallen, is decidedly immoral

Here's an incredibly huge gap in logic: "Economic rights like the fabled "Oh Everyone has the right to food, etc" are incompatible with individual rights, incompatible with freedom, and thus incompatible with morality." Morally, I believe everyone should be entitled to basic freedoms, not economic rights, which are left undefined in the above statement. Basic freedoms like the right to life should be upheld, not discarded, no matter the place on the specturm. To say one should be left to starve is inhumane, undesirable, disgusting.

Also argued is that family's of the working poor should be considered for private charity.....

As for this,

Your rejection of capitalism rests on the preconceived notion that the "poor" (the reason why they're poor is conveniantly ignored) will not be able to cope with themselves

Nor will they.....
Here is a sidebar on 'the cycle', quite possibly a new notion for the true capitalist. However poor, and in unending competition to eat and live, the next generation will not be able to break from the downward spiral and therefore remain in poverty.

Of course, the true capitalist, born into a priviledged family, doesn't realize that placed in the struggle that is poverty he would not do better than the average person.
Saying that capitalism makes everyone equal and being therefore fair, is a farce. When you can not get a job because some people have advantages and others do not, there goes the equality of "do-it-yourself" capitalism.

The theory is flawed, the only way it would work is if everyone started like they do in monopoly, with equal amounts of money, equal smarts and talents and therefore an equal shot at a slice of capitalist pie.

"Capitalism forces every man to work for himself, to sustain his own life by his own effort, instead of leeching off of the work of others. A leech cannot survive in a capitalist society; it is unfeeling and unrewarding to the weak. Sadly for the leech, so is reality. "

Leeches survive in capitalism all the time; heard of criminals?
This author's 'preconceived notion' of capitalism is one of no proletariat-bourgeousie, that is what scares me. It is argued that supply and demand fuel the market, sure, but if there aren't any workers? Capitalism rides the rails of exploitation and those who are unable to work are crushed in between the tracks and the wheels.

A purely capitalist market would base itself upon who could expoit the majority of the public, in the fastest time, to flood the market and then move onto another good, in high demand, due to low demand for what had previously been produced.

How can capitalism be equal? The author speaks of a feudal system with cottage industries and everyone having specialized machines to produce whatever good, whenever, when they think they can make money off of them.
Not everyone has an equal chance because someone has to do the work, and no human wants to work, touching a morally biased issue unrelated to economics.

An understanding of grassroots capitalism vs capitalism, on paper, is required before a well-planned argument takes print.

It is also offensive to any capitalist that one could deem the poor as lazy and then spew generalizations and unrealistic notions, followed by a self-glorification of massive, unbound ego.

Censorship on opinions end the article.. a true capitalist theory. The end result of a capitalist's love for exploitation.

Ayn Rand would be spinning - always to the right - in his grave. (Pending that he's a person, I didn't want to swamp my computer with capitalist internet drivle).

Further, if no one paid taxes, on what street would I drive to my nonexistant job where i would eat caviar?
It would be a society based on chaos, where no one did anything that did not benefit themselves alone. No private charity would exist. There would be no law, there would be no justice. Those premises rest on the belief of a common good. Common, not individual. No two polar opposites have ever come so dangerously close as to reverse the spin of the earth as in the rant that is capitalism.

How many people would fall into 'working poor' working at minimum wage? The rich would be such an infinitly small fraction that they would control everything, posses armies and therefore capitalism would descend into lords and serfs like the ancient days.

Law would not exist and serfdom just seems like a much too antiquated notion for this 22nd century analyst.

And if any partially aborted sea-animals would like to refute any of the aforementioned statements with a broad vocabulary and a large, large thesaurus on hand, feel free to do so.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

My new name is... 

Well, not unlike the t-shirt I once heard of that simply read "T-shirts are over", this is the unanimous conclusion that Blogger is over.

Along with so much else that I've lost all respect for over the past year -school year - blogger, a once fine system I used primarily for insulting people has sunk deeper into a crevice of uselessness.

The Following Are Depressing. And, subsequently, examples of why blogger can eat my ass.

The first major issue.. fuck issue, I have the subscription, is this:

Soft and cuddly teady bear proffessing God's love for me? Check.
Necessary? Absolutely, or, oh wait, what was the Bible again?

And talk about Azn HTML love fantasies!
Like really, let's get some opinions that run around in circles: you did it fine with the fuckin scripts!

Sites like this keep popping up needlessly all around Blogger. It's killing the negative anti-everything atmosphere we hypocritical adolescents work so hard to maintain. (Over 40? Keep reading.. Yes, it's confusing, but believe me, we have someone working on that too).

The second are sites like these.
People can't find a better way to spread shit through a fan? What happened to good old fashioned telemarketing? At least then you could mess with them. And what about the mail? That reminds me, since when did Maclean's (and therefore, Canadians) start referring to the mail as Snail Mail, and how long is it going to take before it makes it's way into a dictionary and then people start abbrevating it?

Third are the freeloading porn xstacy freaks who ruin any chance of finding something worth reading.
Unablogger, come home!

I'm thinking of petitioning to have Blogger change the homepage to politics. It's the only chance freedom loving Americans have!

...Or something like that.

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